Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My School Room

I know, I know, I know! I haven't posted in a couple months, and believe me I have my reasons. Anyway, I was going to do a couple posts and show some pictures of what we've been up to since I last posted, but that'll take up so much time and I have plenty to show you as it is. Maybe I'll slip something in later on. Right now, I wanted to show you my school room! I know most people don't remodel their school room before the school year is over, but we've been getting by since we've moved and I needed something to motivate us. Thus, the new school room! I got some ideas online, and spent forever in Lowe's trying to pick just the right colors (believe me with five kids that's a chore), and three days afterward painting. Tell me what you think! If you have any ideas, feel free to comment!
I made the kids a fort with a hula hoop, some shower curtains, and a sheet. The kids love sitting in there to read!
  I couldn't find a bean bag I liked so I found a pattern and picked out my own material! 
 I bought some chalkboard paint and did the sliding door on my closet.
 This is Paul's desk, and above it is our "Art Wall" where the best pictures of the week are hung.
I didn't think to zoom in, but I taped off a 21" square on the corner of my desktop, and painted it with chalkboard paint. Now when the smaller kids sit here we can practice writing together.