Saturday, August 14, 2010

What will they think of next?

Now, I've had different ones tell me that their kids never act up, and they don't cause any trouble. I wish they'd give me lessons on how to be the perfect mom! My children seem to always be thinking up ways to make the best messes they possibly can. Like, when my oldest, Paul, was just starting to get around, he'd dump baby powder on the carpet, but I don't mean a little dab...I mean half the container! (Surely I'm not the only one whose kid has done that.) Then there's the time when we first moved, Melody was only 3 weeks old, when Paul threw four dozen eggs on my kitchen floor. Now, that was a mess! There's also the grosser messes, such as digging in their diaper and slinging it down the stair wall, or smearing it all over the crib after a nap. Anyway, I don't suppose anyone wants to hear about those.

So, today I was working on my laundry, as usual, when a pair of bright red hands reached out and latched themselves onto my new glider! It took me a couple seconds to recognize this martian as Melody, and that the red was craft paint. Only thing was, she looked like she'd been to a football game, and had her face decorated. It was completely bright red!! For once, I didn't feel like crying right away at the thought of the mess that must be elsewhere for her to look like this. Instead, my first thought was, "Where's my camera?" So, the lovely picture I have on this post is one of my almost 2 yr old daughter wearing red craft paint. Doesn't she look so proud of herself?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Blowing a fuse

How many times do I have to tell Paul (my four year old) to do something before I blow my fuse? Sometimes, it only takes once. For instance, I've told him time and time again not to pick on his sisters to make them cry, but does he stop? No, for some reason it's a big joke to take his little sister, Melodys', doll from her to hear that annoying shriek she's just so good at. I do have to admit, though, that the times I find the hardest to keep from blowing up is when I'm multi-tasking. I'm trying to wash the dishes, plan supper in my mind, everyone is crying for a drink at the same time, my mind just goes into overload and it blows a fuse.

I never thought about this much until tonight. I was thawing some chicken in the microwave for grilling supper, had the air conditioner running, the kids were washing their hands in the bathroom, and I was vacuuming the living room when all this just stops running. At first when I realized what happened, I ran to the basement to "flip the switch" only to realize how old our breaker box was, and that there is no switch to flip. So, I called my handy-dandy father-in-law to find out what to do (as the house is his; we're buying from him), and he comes over right away. When he arrives I find out that not only did I blow a fuse, I blew a "big" fuse as he put it. Since we couldn't find the spare fuses, he had to run to a local store and buy one. He told me that with all that going at the same time (water, a/c, microwave, and vaccum), it overloaded and blew a "big" fuse. "Boy, when you blow a fuse, you really blow a fuse", was his exact words.

Anyway, it got me to thinking tonight about blowing my fuse as often as I do. So I think that from now on when I feel like blowing it, I know it's time to turn a few things off and focus on my babies.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to start....

How do I begin to describe a typical day with my kids? I mean, what is typical anyway? No two days are ever exactly the same, and I usually end my day wishing I'd have kept a notepad on me to capture the funny things my munchkins discuss. It's such a facinating thing to me, to see my four and three year old deep in conversations about princesses, water slides, and if the shoes are "cool" or "pretty". For instance, one day I tackled my son on the couch and was smothering him in kisses, telling him I loved him "sooo much", when he pushed me away angerily and shouted, "I don't like it when you love me!" Of course it made him even angier to see me cracking up over his statement.

Anyway, the object of this blog is to allow me to share my experiences I have while doing the job I always dreamed of having, motherhood. So, here's hoping I'll always have the time to drop a line or two, and if you're lucky, some pics!