Tuesday, July 24, 2012

VBS Pilgrim's Progress

Our church here in Jasper is having a VBS for the kids this week, and the theme is Pilgrim's Progress. It started last night, and when I tried to drop them off, Paul threw a fit and insisted he wouldn't have any fun! Of course, I made him stay, and when I went to take him home he was asking," Can we come back tomorrow?" So, as always, Mama knows best. The church went all out for this event, and I was REALLY impressed with the way they set things up. The brothers and sisters did such a good job decorating, and acting their parts, the kids looked really excited the whole time. I got some pictures, but I wasn't there for the beginning of the program. I think I walked in with my camera about halfway through. When I walked in the kids were dancing and singing with Pilgrim (Bro Chris) on their way back out of the City of Destruction. It was really sweet to see Paul dancing and holding his Bible way up in the air, I'm so sorry I didn't get a picture of that! They were taken to the sunday school room then to make necklaces with keys (keys of Promise), carrying their little "burdens", which were little black backpacks filled with rocks. I have a couple pictures, and hopefully get more tonight when the kids go to the cross to be rid of their burdens.
 Micah was scared of the tunnel they built through the church because of the fake spiders and bats they placed through it, so Sis Nonie carried him through.
 City of Destruction
 Micah trying to be like the big kids, and carry his burden.

 Sis Patricia was the teacher for the smaller class.
 Gracie really enjoyed it all too!
 Evangelist (Bro Jeremy) showing the kids the straight path.
Everyone with their burdens listening to "Christian".
It's 7 am and Paul just walked in my room while I'm working on this post, he's all dressed up with his key around his neck, and his Bible in his hand saying he's ready to go already! He's really upset that it doesn't start until 6 o'clock this evening. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mama's Cookbook

I'm starting a page with all my favorite recipes, and I've put a link to it on the top left corner of my blog. Click on the picture that says "Mom's Kitchen" and it'll take you to it!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Take A Hike!

The days get kind of long with Matt gone at work through the week, and the kids get grumpy with one another. So, this morning I had them get their shoes on and took them for a walk. They had so much fun jumping over big cracks, imaginary sinking sand, and pretending alligators were around every corner! We found some pretty purple rocks in the side of a cavern wall, and when we pulled some out, we realized it's soft as clay! Paul had fun climbing down and pretending he was stuck in a hole, but then found he couldn't pull himself back out with the root. Sometimes an extra hand (preferably Mommy's) is nice to have!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Making A Bible Cover

I've been working on a new idea the past couple days, and I need your opinion/ideas. Leave a comment and tell me what you think, or what you would change. Yesterday, I got an idea to take some scrap jean material and make a quilted bible cover. I used a blue/green/purple tie-dyed material for the inside, making pockets for the bible to fit into. I also took a pocket from a pair of jeans to make a pocket to hold my ink pen and highlighter; could also hold a little notebook for taking notes. I thought about putting a zipper on it to enclose it, then thought maybe just a strap with a button would work as well. What do ya'll think?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What We've Been Up To

We've been up to alot since the last time I posted on here. First, Matt and I spent the past weekend in Houston, Tx for our 7th anniversary. I meant to take pictures (and should've because our hotel was beautiful) but somehow time got away with me and I only got a picture of some buildings.
 I forget who this was handing out sparklers, but I thought the picture looked neat.
 All Marrion did was eat, eat, and eat!

 This is Paul and Annabeth playing with sparklers.
 Above: Mary's still wanting to eat. Below: Tim on left and Charity on right. The smoke was really thick from the fireworks!
 Everyone was exhausted when we finally made it home.
Wednesday, July 4th, we had a picnic after church where we watched fireworks. The kids were so excited, and they had small fireworks for the kids to play with. It took Paul a little while to get used to them and not be scared, but once he did he wouldn't leave me alone! My camera has a firework setting, so most of the pics I took were with this setting. The only problem is you can't hardly make out who the people are, but I thought the fireworks in them looked pretty cool.