Monday, September 3, 2012

Homeschooling Paul

My blog is finally allowing me to post pictures, so here goes! I decided to homeschool Paul this year, and while it has it's moment's, it's been pretty fun. For Bible class I started in the beginning with the Creation and he was getting bored just reading about it, so I gave him lumps of Playdoh and told him to "make" the earth. He had a lot of fun doing that. Then for the creation of man, we took cinnamon for the dust and glue for...well, everything else I guess, mixed it together and used a cookie cutter! I thought he turned out pretty neat. As for Paul's school room, I don't have it looking really fixed up, but I figured we'd add to it through the school year.
 This is for Paul's science. He caught a little grasshopper and we've been studying it. It shed it's skin but you can't hardly see it just under the grass blade.
 Paul's Adam


  1. Good Job Girl!! You can do it!! Make everything fun, always give them praise, they will succeed, and so will you. Love you and praying for you. Im proud of you for choosing to take on the homeschool task. It is a hard one but, I know you can do it. I have one in 5th grade now and one in 2nd. One piece of advice, dont rush them at first....have fun and let them be completely ready before starting something new....every child goes at different paces. Their little brains are like sponges soaking up whatever it is that THEY want to soak up. So, make it fun, interesting, and encouraging. The pics look great!!

  2. Ruth gave you some good advice. I know you can do it.
