Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to start....

How do I begin to describe a typical day with my kids? I mean, what is typical anyway? No two days are ever exactly the same, and I usually end my day wishing I'd have kept a notepad on me to capture the funny things my munchkins discuss. It's such a facinating thing to me, to see my four and three year old deep in conversations about princesses, water slides, and if the shoes are "cool" or "pretty". For instance, one day I tackled my son on the couch and was smothering him in kisses, telling him I loved him "sooo much", when he pushed me away angerily and shouted, "I don't like it when you love me!" Of course it made him even angier to see me cracking up over his statement.

Anyway, the object of this blog is to allow me to share my experiences I have while doing the job I always dreamed of having, motherhood. So, here's hoping I'll always have the time to drop a line or two, and if you're lucky, some pics!

1 comment:

  1. I like that big toad he's holding out to you! Didn't you want to hold it mommy? :>)
    Auntie ;)
